150% You: Super-normal physiology, state of mind and health - keys to being the best you. How can we feel 60 at 90? How can we get the best outcomes through the hardest health crises? And how to find the right approach for you, for a 150% you?
150 Years: Can the natural limit for healthy human cell division be broken? We explore the science and psychology behind decoding the limits to lifespan. Is 150 years possible? End Ageing or end our fear of it? What impact on you, yours and society?
150 Yours: Could your 150 nearest and dearest be the best vaccine for illness and ageing? What is the recommended daily dose of connection? What drives accelerated ageing from ‘social apoptosis’? People vs peptides: Who cares wins.
About 150 Health
This content is for busy humans, often living on the edge, physiologically and mentally, creating, leading, building, teaching and wishing to do so healthily and well into our eight, ninth and n’th decades of life. You, our readers, are inquisitive, competitive and demanding. Success comes not only by following well-established best practices but by navigating nuance, scrutinising data, challenging norms and innovating. We strive to stay grounded in compassion and humanity, keeping calm and carrying on, sensitive to the global health crises around us. We won’t follow standard practice blindly, nor regurgitate the news. This is the nature of our practice, and what we’re producing for you.
Why call it 150? This was the subject of long debates so we ended not settling on a definite one. However, 150 means a lot to us and our approach. First, 150 percent is the minimum target we strive for in every one of our client’s health metrics, cognitive capacity and physiological fitness. If we can get a minimum of 150 percent out of ourselves and our lives, for however long, we’d be doing very well indeed. Secondly, 150 years is a theoretical maximum lifespan for healthy human cells - a lofty goal most of us won’t achieve, but whatever science helps us achieve that or part thereof, we’re listening. Lastly, 150 humans is what’s known as Dunbar’s number: the maximum number of humans we can have meaningful relationships with (the range is probably somewhere between 5 and 2000, but that’s okay). We remain human, however technologically and medically enhanced. Our relationships, and humanity, are bound to others. It is also the number of clients we will look after in our practice to maintain the very highest levels of excellence and interaction with you all.
Despite the limitations of our practice we hope by sharing this that our views can reach and help a wide audience.
Wishing you well,
Dr Jack Kreindler and The WellFounded Team
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Ask us anything on health, therapeutics, performance, eudiamonia research (human flourishing) and longevity (health-span) science. The more you ask, the more we learn.
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